The Du & Associates (D&A) team brings a depth of experience in business reengineering developed over decades of experience in leadership and management positions in both the private and public sectors of affordable housing. Applying firsthand knowledge and a tested approach to business reengineering, the team can provide insights and recommendations to meet a full range of client goals, such as preparation for, or adjustment to, business transitions, cost reductions, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. We can assist with the following:
Review and analysis of the organizational structure, process flows, financials, and staffing to document the current state of operations in meeting key performance indicators utilizing industry best practices
Development of organizational restructuring strategies to meet current and future goals and objectives
Review of job descriptions and creation of coaching tools to enhance staff development
Process improvement strategies
Review of processes and management information systems
Property level cost studies (including staffing costs) to identify areas for improvement to reduce the overall per unit expenditure
Sustained support for implementation of recommendations and ongoing assessment