program compliance
Du & Associates (D&A), through its subsidiaries, has performed over 12,000 Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Management & Occupancy Reviews (MORs) and audited over 100,000 PBRA, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Public Housing, and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program tenant files. D&A can help your organization develop and maintain policies and procedures to address your compliance needs for each property in your portfolio regardless of funding and/or subsidy type. D&A has the experience and expertise in compliance for both public and private sector entities to:
Review and recommend a holistic compliance plan for the entire portfolio
Support and direct preparation for, and/or response to, MORs, physical inspections, and financial compliance audits by Housing and Urban Development (HUD), syndicators, tax credit investors, lenders, tax credit monitoring agencies, and other regulatory agencies
Review of files for compliance with HUD PBRA, Project Based Voucher (PBV), Public Housing, HCV, and tax credit requirements
Train on various metrics
Review and develop policies and procedures for all subsidy programs
Train on program eligibility, occupancy, physical, financial, and other compliance requirements
Review policies and procedures, including Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) policies, Tenant Selection Plans (TSP), Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans (AFHMP), HCV Administrative Plans, Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policies (ACOP), leasing packets, and House Rules to ensure compliance with various affordable housing program requirements 